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The Greedy Woman

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(Mother and Daughter are in the kitchen near the stove)

MOTHER:  (to Daughter) I’m very hungry!.  Go to the barn and see if the hen laid some eggs.

DAUGHTER:  Yes, mom.  (Leaves the stage.  A few minutes later she enters the stage holding an  egg).  The hen only laid one egg, just like every day.

MOTHER:  Oh, no!.  I’m terribly hungry.  An egg is not enough for me!.

DAUGHTER:  It’s not enough for both of us, mom. I also have to eat to live!.

MOTHER:  I know, sweety, please forgive me.  I can not think with an empty stomach!.  

DAUGHTER:  Neither can I… that’s why I didn’t pass the exams!.

MOTHER:  You flunked because you didn’t study!.

DAUGHTER:  Let’s forget about school, and let’s talk about the hen.

MOTHER:  Alright, just for now. Yesterday, the hen only laid one egg, so something is wrong with her.

DAUGHTER:  But what?.

MOTHER:  Did you feed her?.

DAUGHTER:  Yes, mom.  I feed her every day.

MOTHER:  Well, starting tomorrow you will triple the amount of food.  Maybe she’s too skinny to lay more eggs.  I’m sure that if we get her to gain more weight, she will lay three, four, o even five eggs per day.

DAUGHTER:  I don’t think so, but I’ll do it.

MOTHER:  Meanwhile, let’s cook this egg with plenty of ham so we can both eat.  Please, take out the ham from the refrigerator.

DAUGHTER: Yes, mom.  (Opens the refrigerator and takes out the ham)




(The Hen is sleeping.  Mother and Daughter are standing in front of her) 

DAUGHTER:  Look at her, she’s sleeping like a baby!.

MOTHER:  She has nothing to worry about.  She has a place to live, and she’s well fed.

DAUGHTER:  She’s too fat!.  It was a bad idea to give her such a huge amount of food.

MOTHER:  I know!.  I thought that if she were fat, she would lay more eggs, but I was wrong.  Now, she doesn’t even lay a single egg!.  

DAUGHTER:  She’s fat and lazy. 

MOTHER:  Let’s go to the supermarket to buy some eggs for breakfast. 

DAUGHTER: We used to have them for free…now we have to buy them.


(Mother and Daughter leave the stage)

HEN: (Opens her eyes)  I am a hen, but I’m not a fool.  I got more food, and I don’t have to do anything.




AUHTOR:  K I D S I N C O, base on an Aesop Fable “The Woman and the Hen”


Moral: He that has a great deal already, and would have more, will never think he has enough until he has all; and that’s impossible: We should set bounds to our desires, and be happy with what we have.


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