Twenty Five Rubies | K I D S I N - Free Playscripts for Kids!

Twenty Five Rubies

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NARRATOR: An old honest man was very sick   He had two sons, Mario and Samuel.  One day he talked to his two sons.


OLD MAN: Dear sons.   Please, take care of yourselves so you can live strong and in peace for many years.


NARRATOR: He was talking about his fortune.


OLD MAN: In the basement, under the floor you will find a chest with 25 beautiful rubies.  Each one is worth a thousand gold coins.  Please, don´t open it until I leave this world.


NARRATOR: A week later the man died.  A man called Alex, who knew about this chest, told Mario and Samuel.


ALEX: I will give you a thousand gold coins for all the rubies.


MARIO:  What do you think we should do, Samuel?.


SAMUEL: We accept your offer.


NARRATOR: Ten days later they received the gold coins and gave Alex the chest.


ALEX: Thanks, my good friends.  Now, goodbye.


NARRATOR:  Fifteen minutes later, Alex came back very angry.


ALEX: You have stolen from me. The chest was full of paper!.


SAMUEL: What!.  That’s not true.  We didn´t open the chest.  We thought that the stones were inside!.  Show us the paper you say you found.


ALEX: Here it is!.  Read it.


MARIO: Please, read it Samuel.


SAMUEL: Dear Sons:  Now that I am old, I know that I will soon go away.  I don´t have any money, because I gave it to the poor.  But here you will find written twenty-five lessons that guided my life to be a good man.  To me, these lessons are like rubies , and I give  them to you hoping that you will be happy.


NARRATOR: These lessons were about the effort, health, and courage of a kind heart.  One lesson in particular, was about honesty.


MARIO: Oh father!.  I miss you so much.  Thank you for everything you did for us.


SAMUEL:  Alex, take your gold coins back.


NARRATOR: When Alex left the room, and the door was closed, Mario said.


MARIO: We are rich men.  Our wealth will last forever.


SAMUEL: Yes, they are twenty-five great virtue lessons.




Author:  Popular Folktale


Adapted by: K I D S I N C O


Moral Value: Integrity


–  We should do, what we say we will do.

–  To keep a promise.

– To be honest.

–  To do what it´s correct to do in a private and in a public situation.

– To be responsible of our actions.

–  What we say has to be in accordance with what we do.


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Image by Kidsinco:  Ron Weasley  Funko Pop



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