Friendship | K I D S I N - Free Playscripts for Kids! - Part 16

The Bear and the Two Travelers

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(Samuel’s father, Samuel, and Manuel are in a hut in the forest)



SAMUEL: I heard some gypsies came to town.



MANUEL: Is it true that they are fortune tellers?.



SAMUEL’S FATHER: That’s nonsense!.



SAMUEL: Let’s go see them!.  I wonder what advice they could give me!.



SAMUEL’S FATHER: Not today.  It’s getting late, and the forest at this time is not safe.



MANUEL: Don’t worry sir, I’ll take care of Samuel.



SAMUEL’S FATHER: I know you will, Manuel.



MANUEL: Samuel is my best friend, and I will not let anything happen to him.



SAMUEL’S FATHER: Very well, I’m trusting you.  Go ahead and have fun.



SAMUEL: Thank you, father!.



(Samuel and Manuel leave.  They walk in the forest)



MANUEL: Do you think gypsies are psychics?.



SAMUEL: I don’t know, but people say they have magical powers.



(they hear a bear roaring)



MANUEL: Did you hear that?.



SAMUEL: Sshhh, it’s a bear.  My father was right, it’s getting dark and the forest is not safe.



MANUEL: We will be fine, don’t worry.



SAMUEL: Manuel, look!.  It’s the bear.  It’s in the middle of the path.



MANUEL: Oh no, run, run!.  (They start running.  They see a tree)  Let me be the first one to climb the tree.



SAMUEL: Fine.  Let me help you get into my shoulders. (Manuel climbs into the tree)  Give me your hand, hurry up!.



MANUEL: There’s no room for both of us!.  Find another place to hide!.



SAMUEL:  What am I going to do?. (the bear approaches)  I’ll lay flat on the ground and pretend that I’m dead.



(Samuel lays flat on the ground without moving .  The bear approaches, sniffs his palms, then the bear leans over Samuel’s ear, and leaves.  Manuel gets down from the tree)



MANUEL: Oh, Samuel, I thought the bear was going to attack you!.  I saw him whispering something to your ear.



SAMUEL: Oh, he was a fortune teller bear!.



MANUEL: A fortune teller bear?.



SAMUEL: Yes, he came along with the gypsies and he read my palms!.



MANUEL: Really?.  What did he say?.



SAMUEL: He told me never to travel with a friend who deserts me at the first sign of trouble.  Just the advice I needed!.



MANUEL: Oh, I´m so sorry.



SAMUEL: I’m going home.  Good-bye.



(Samuel leaves the stage)






Author:  Aesop Fable



 Adapted by:  K I D S I N C O



Moral:  Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends.



Moral Value:  Friendship


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