flowers | K I D S I N - Free Playscripts for Kids! - Part 8

The Sunflower

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 © Image created by Gregor Gniewosz

Student at the 3D Animation at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment in Australia

Watch “The Sunflower” animation   by Gregor Gniewosz



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NARRATOR: When plants started to grow on earth, many flowers also appeared. There were roses, dahlias, tulips, and a small yellow flower. One day all the flowers decided that the red rose would be the queen of all flowers because of her beauty and because she could grant wishes. They made a big party to crown their queen and each flower made a wish. Some asked to smell pretty; others wanted to have brilliant colors, and the small yellow flower asked to be the biggest of all the flowers.The red flower granted all the wishes, and that´s how the yellow flower grew, and grew, and grew. She grew so much that she couldn´t stand straight. The yellow flower then understood that she had to live bending on herself. She was so sad and decided to ask the sun for help. One day when the sun was shining up in the sky, he listened to someone call him from the earth.

YELLOW FLOWER: Mr. Sun, can you help me straighten up?.

SUN: Why? You can´t keep yourself straight?.

YELLOW FLOWER: Once when the red rose granted wishes, I asked to be the biggest flower of all. I never thought that I wasn´t going to be able to stand straight like the other flowers.

SUN: I think you learned your lesson. Sometimes we ask for wishes without thinking of the consequences. The only thing that I can do, is make you strong when I shine high in the sky. My sunshine will keep you straight.

YELLOW FLOWER: Thank you Mr. Sun! I will always follow you. Wherever you go, I will go.

NARRATOR: From that day the yellow flower always follows the sun. She turns herself to receive his sunshine. For that reason the other flowers decided to call her ¨Sunflower¨.



Adapted by : K I D S I N C O


Kidsinco related playscript:  The Wishing Flower


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