African Mythology | K I D S I N - Free Playscripts for Kids! - Part 2

How Anansi Brought Light Back To The Night

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ANANSI – A clever spider known for its cunning.

TORTOISE – A wise friend of Anansi who offers helpful advice.

MONKEY 1 – A mischievous monkey who stole the moon.

MONKEY 2 – Companion of Monkey 1, also mischievous.

EAGLE – A strong bird that helps return the moon to the sky.

FALCON – A fast bird who collaborates with Anansi.

HERON – A bird that supports the mission to return to the moon.

VILLAGER 1 – A concerned villager.

VILLAGER 2 – Another concerned villager.




NARRATOR: Welcome to a land where the jungle meets the stars, where cleverness can outshine the darkest night. Our story begins in a small village, where the moon that lights the night has vanished without a trace! Imagine a world without the moon—too dark to see, too cold to sleep. Who could be behind such a trick? And who would be brave enough—or clever enough—to bring the moon back? Come with us into the world of Anansi, the wise and mischievous spider, who shows us that even the greatest challenges can be overcome with a bit of wit and the right friends.

(The drumming grows louder as the Narrator steps back, and the scene transitions to the village.)

SCENE 1: The Village and the Disappearance of the Moon


(The stage represents a small African village at the edge of the jungle. It is nighttime, but the sky is completely dark. The villagers are gathered and murmuring with concern.)

VILLAGER 1: (Looking at the sky) The moon has disappeared! How will we sleep without its light?

VILLAGER 2: This is a disaster! Without the moon, the nights are too dark and cold.

VILLAGER 1: We must do something. Who can help us?

VILLAGER 2: Let’s call Anansi, the spider! He always has a solution.

(Anansi enters with his characteristic mischievous smile.)

ANANSI: Did someone say my name? Do you need my help?

VILLAGER 1: Anansi, the moon has disappeared. Without it, our nights are too dark.

ANANSI: (Thoughtfully) Hmm… I can help you, but if I recover the moon, I want a pot full of the best fruits from the village.

VILLAGER 2: (Nodding) We agree! Please, find the moon!

ANANSI: Alright then! Let me do what I do best!

(Anansi walks away towards the jungle.)

SCENE 2: Anansi’s Plan

(In the jungle. Anansi meets Tortoise.)

TORTOISE: Hello, Anansi. What are you doing around here?

ANANSI: I’m looking for the moon. Have you heard anything, Tortoise?

TORTOISE: (Nodding) I heard some mischievous monkeys have stolen it. They are hiding it at the top of the big baobab tree.

ANANSI: (Smiling) Thank you, Tortoise! I have a plan.

(Anansi collects ripe bananas and climbs halfway up the big baobab tree. He starts peeling a banana.)

MONKEY 1: (From the top of the tree) Hey, Anansi! What are you doing with those bananas?

ANANSI: (In a friendly voice) They are for you! But first, you need to come down so I can give them to you.

MONKEY 2: (To Monkey 1) Let’s go, let’s go down and get those bananas!

(The monkeys descend, and Anansi throws the basket with the bananas far from the tree.)


ANANSI: Look, more bananas over there!

(The monkeys run after the basket. Anansi quickly climbs to the top and finds the moon trapped in a web of branches. He frees it and climbs down with it.)

SCENE 3: Returning the Moon to the Sky

(Anansi returns to the village with the moon.)

VILLAGER 1: Anansi, you recovered the moon! But how will we get it back to the sky?

ANANSI: I will need the help of our feathered friends. Eagle, Falcon, Heron!

(Eagle, Falcon, and Heron fly in.)

EAGLE: What do you need, Anansi?

ANANSI: We need to return the moon to the sky. Will you help us?

FALCON: Of course we will!

HERON: Let’s do it!

(The birds take the moon and, with great effort, lift it to the sky while Anansi weaves a bright silk thread that connects the moon to the stars.)

EAGLE: (From the sky) It’s in place!

ANANSI: (From the ground, pulling the silk thread) Firm and secure!

(The moon begins to shine brightly. The villagers clap and cheer.)

VILLAGER 2: Thank you, Anansi! Here is your pot of fruits, as promised.

ANANSI: (Smiling and taking the pot) Thank you all. And remember, there’s always a solution to every problem… as long as one is clever enough!

(Everyone laughs. Anansi sits under a tree and begins to enjoy his feast.)

NARRATOR: And so, the moon found its home among the stars once more, all thanks to Anansi’s cleverness and the strength of his friends. But remember, this story is not just about tricks and clever plans. It reminds us that every problem has a solution if we use our minds and work together. Anansi may be small, but his spirit is mighty. And so, when the nights grow dark and challenges seem as high as the sky, think of Anansi and his web, and remember—there’s always a way to bring back the light.




AUTHOR: K I D S I N C O – Based on an African Mythology story

Anansi stories originate from the Akan people of present-day Ghana and have spread throughout the African diaspora, particularly in the Caribbean and other parts of the Americas. Anansi is often depicted as a clever spider who uses his wit to outsmart others, bringing valuable lessons or explaining natural phenomena.


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