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A Thanksgiving Tale – Playscript

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As autumn leaves fall and the air turns crisp, a special holiday is just around the corner. Thanksgiving, a beloved American tradition, is a time to gather with family and friends, give thanks for our blessings, and feast on delicious food. With its roots in the early days of the Pilgrims, Thanksgiving has become a symbol of gratitude and unity, reminding us of the importance of coming together and celebrating the joys of life.



JOHN: A Pilgrim

MARY: John’s Wife

CHIEF WAMPANOAG: Leader Of The Native American Tribe

RUNNING DEER: A Young Warrior Of The Tribe

SQUANTO: A Native American Who Speaks English




Scene: A clearing in the woods, with a large wooden table set up for a feast. John and Mary are bustling about, preparing food and decorations.

JOHN: Mary, did you remember to bring the cranberries?

MARY: Yes, I’ve got them right here. (Holds up a bag)

JOHN: Good. And the venison?

MARY: It’s cooking on the fire. Should be ready soon.

(Enter Chief Wampanoag and Running Deer)

CHIEF WAMPANOAG: Greetings, Pilgrims. We have brought some food to share.

JOHN: Thank you, Chief. We are honored by your presence.

RUNNING DEER: (looks around) This is a fine table. Did you make it yourselves?

MARY: Yes, we did. We wanted to make it special for our guests.

CHIEF WAMPANOAG: We appreciate your kindness. May we join you at the table?

JOHN: Of course, please take a seat.

(They all sit down and begin to eat)



Scene: After the meal, everyone is sitting around the fire, feeling full and content.

SQUANTO: (enters) Greetings, friends. I heard you had a wonderful feast.

MARY: Yes, we did. We are so grateful to have shared it with our new friends.

CHIEF WAMPANOAG: It was a great honor to be invited. We have much to be thankful for.

JOHN: Yes, we do. We’ve been through a lot this year, but we’ve managed to make a life here in this new land.

RUNNING DEER: And we’ve learned a lot from each other. We have much to teach, and much to learn.

SQUANTO: Indeed. It is only through working together that we can survive and thrive in this new world.

MARY: (stands up) I propose a toast. To friendship, to peace, and a brighter future for all of us.

(They all raise their cups)

ALL: To friendship, to peace, and a brighter future.

(They all clink their cups and smile)


End of play.




Kidsinco’s Thanksgiving Playscripts:




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