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Story of the First Thanksgiving

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The following is a Thanksgiving  Story.  It does not contain dialogue as in a play. The narrator(s) read the story and the children only perform according to what the narrator is reading. Background music can be added.



The first part of the story starts with the music from Pirates of the Caribbean – Soundtrack 7 – Barbossa is Hungry – Listen on YouTube.



When the Indians start performing, music with drums may be played.  Click Here for Ghost Dance – Native American Power Drums -Spirit Pride on You Tube.




Pilgrims – boys and girls
Indians – boys and girls
Material needed: Cardboard ship or boat.  Table with baskets of food, bread, and fruit.  Music and Cd Player. Indian and Pilgrim costumes.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW TO MAKE PAPER COSTUMES
  • Many years ago, the pilgrims came to America. They sailed on a big ship, called the Mayflower.


  • It took courage to cross the ocean. There were many dangers


  • When they landed the pilgrims needed food to eat. They looked for fresh food in the forest.


  • They gathered seeds and berries to eat. The first winter in America was long and hard.


  • Many of the pilgrims became ill.


  • When Spring finally came, it was a time of joy.


  • One day a kind Indian came to the pilgrim’s village. He liked the pilgrims and wanted to help them.


  • Soon, more Indians came. They were nice and showed the pilgrims how to plant corn.


  • One of the Indians was called Squanto. He was their special friend. The Indians and pilgrims agreed to live in peace.


  • Together they hunted quail and turkey. They would be ready for the coming winter.


  • When summer ended, the pilgrims wanted to have a feast. They had plenty of food and many new friends. They wanted to give thanks


(no music here)


  • Join us! They said to the Indians. Join us in a big feast of Thanksgiving. It will be a very special holiday.


  • The Indians came for the feast. Long tables were filled with wonderful things to eat. Everyone was excited.


  • And everyone gave thanks. What a wonderful thanksgiving day!



The End



Many years ago, the pilgrims came to America. They sailed on a big ship, called the Mayflower.



It took courage to cross the Atlantic ocean. There were many dangers.


They looked for fresh food in the forest.


Many of the pilgrims became ill.


When Spring finally came, it was a time of joy.


One day a kind Indian named Squanto, came to the pilgrim’s village. He liked the pilgrims and wanted to help them.


Soon, more Indians came. They were nice and showed the pilgrims
how to plant corn

The pilgrims wanted to give thanks. They said to the Indians.
Join us in a big feast of Thanksgiving!


Long Table and the Mayflower



Kidsinco’s Thanksgiving Playscripts:


  • The First Thanksgiving Feast: The First Thanksgiving Feast. Squanto and his tribe join the pilgrims on a Thanksgiving Celebration.  — More than 6 characters.


  • Thanksgiving Day: This script starts by telling why and how the pilgrims came to America, and everything they had to go through – cold, hunger, sickness– until they became friends with the Indians and celebrated their thanksgiving feast. — More than 16 characters.



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