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Why the Bear’s Tail is Short

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NARRATOR: One very cold day in winter, a fox saw some men taking home a load of fish.



MAN 1: Wow, today we caught a lot of fish. Don´t you think so?.



MAN 2:  Yes, it was a good day for us. Come on, let´s hurry up, I am hungry.



NARRATOR: The fox jumped upon the wagon while the men were not looking.



FOX: It´s time to throw out some of the best fish. Today I will have a very good dinner.



NARRATOR: Then Mr. Fox jumped from the wagon and began to eat the fish.



FOX: This fish is delicious. It´s the best I have ever tried!.  I think I will do this more often.



NARRATOR: While he was eating the fish, Mr. Bear came along.



BEAR: Good morning, you have had good luck fishing today. Those are very fine fish. How did you catch them?.



FOX: They are fine fish. If you will go fishing with me to-night, I will show you how to catch even better fish than these.



BEAR: I will go with you gladly. I will bring my hook and line too.



FOX: You don’t need a hook and line. I always catch fish with my tail. You have a much longer tail than I, and can fish so much the better.



NARRATOR: At sunset the bear met the fox. They went across the frozen river until they came to a small hole in the ice.



FOX: Now, Mr. Bear, sit down here on the ice and put your tail through the hole. You must keep still for a long while. That is the best way to catch fish. Wait until the fish take hold of your tail. Then pull up as hard as you can.



NARRATOR: The bear sat very still for a long time. At last he began to feel cold and he moved a little.



BEAR: Ouch, my tail is frozen!. Is it time to pull out the fish?.



FOX: No, no, wait until more fish have taken hold of your tail. You are very strong. You can wait a little longer.



NARRATOR: So the poor bear waited until it was almost morning. Just then some dogs began to bark on the bank of the river.



BEAR: I hear some dogs barking and they are coming this way. I have to pull out my tail.



NARRATOR: But he pulled and pulled.



BEAR: Oh no, my tail is frozen. Uff!. I have to pull harder!.



NARRATOR: So he pulled and pulled until at length the tail was broken short off.



BEAR: Oh no, my tail!.



FOX: Ha, ha, ha, this is so funny!.



BEAR: Don´t laugh…you tricked me… this is all your fault!.



FOX: Oops!. Ha, ha, ha, I have to get away before he gets me!.



NARRATOR: And the Fox ran away laughing and laughing at the trick he had played on Mr. Bear. Bears’ tails have been short ever since.





Author:  Native American Indian Legend



Adapted by:  K I D S I N C O



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