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The Old Woman and The Doctor

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(The Old Woman and her Grandson are in the living room. Mary enters the stage with two glasses of lemonade)


GRANDSON: Thank you Mary, please leave the glasses on the table.


MARY: Yes, sir.


OLD WOMAN: Mary, please find me a doctor.


GRANDSON: What’s wrong grandma.


OLD WOMAN: I have a terrible headache, and I can hardly see.


GRANDSON: Mary, find any doctor right away.


MARY: Yes, sir.


(Mary leaves the stage)


GRANDSON: Do you want some lemonade?.


OLD WOMAN: Yes, please, give me some.


(The Old Woman’s grandson gives her a glass of lemonade. Mary enters)


GRANDSON: Did you find a doctor?.


MARY: Yes, I found a new doctor who just moved into the neighborhood.  He said he’ll be here in fifteen minutes.


OLD WOMAN: Thank you Mary.  You may leave, I’ll be fine.


MARY: Excuse me.

(Mary leaves.  A few minutes later she enters with the Doctor)


GRANDSON: Thank you for coming so soon.  My grandmother is not feeling very well.


OLD WOMAN: I have a terrible headache, and I can hardly see.




(The Doctor examines her eyes)


GRANDSON: What is it doctor?.


OLD WOMAN: Will I be fine?.


DOCTOR: I’ll prescribe you some medication, but I can’t guarantee that you will recover your sight.


OLD WOMAN: Please doctor, I’ll pay you whatever you want!.


DOCTOR: This is not about money.  You have a serious illness and…


(The Old Woman interrupts the doctor)


 OLD WOMAN: Would you take twenty thousand dollars?.


 DOCTOR: Well, I don’t know.  It seems like a …


 (The Old Woman interrupts the Doctor)


 OLD WOMAN: How about thirty thousand?.


 GRANDSON: Grandmother!.  He already told you. It’s not about…


 (The Doctor interrupts the Grandson)


 DOCTOR: I’ll take the money.


OLD WOMAN: It’s a deal.  But those thirty thousand dollars will be yours with one condition.  if I don’t recover my sight completely, I will give you nothing.


DOCTOR: You will recover your sight, I’m sure of it.


GRANDSON: But you told us before that there were no guarantees!.


DOCTOR: Your grandmother will be fine, don’t worry.


OLD WOMAN: Talk to me about my treatment.


DOCTOR: I’ll come every day to give you your medication.


GRANDSON: For how long?.


DOCTOR: It depends on how she feels.  Probably it may take a week or two, then she will be completely recovered.


OLD WOMAN: Fine.  Thank you doctor.  When do we start?.


DOCTOR: The sooner the better.  We’ll start tomorrow morning.


OLD WOMAN: I’ll be waiting for you, thank you doctor.


DOCTOR: By the way, you have a lovely house.


GRANDSON: I’ll take you to the door.


(The Doctor and the Grandson leave)




(The Old Woman, the Doctor and the Nurse are in the living roon.  The Doctor gives the Old Woman two pills)


OLD WOMAN: Is that all I have to take?.


DOCTOR: No, the nurse will put a few drops in your eyes.



(The Nurse puts some drops in the Old Woman’s eyes and covers them with a bandage)

OLD WOMAN: For how long do I have to wear this bandage?.


DOCTOR: I’ll take it off when we finish the treatment.  For now, that’s all.  We’ll come back tomorrow at this same hour.


OLD WOMAN: Fine, thank you doctor.


DOCTOR: And your grandson?.


OLD WOMAN: He’s at the gym.


DOCTOR: And the maid?.


OLD WOMAN: She must be somewhere.  Probably she went to get the groceries.  I’m sorry I can’t take you to the door.


DOCTOR: Oh, don’t worry, we know our way out.  If you need anything, just call me.


OLD WOMAN: I will.  Have a nice day.


DOCTOR: Good-bye.


(On their way out, the Doctor and the Nurse take some valuable objects from the living room.  As soon as they leave, Mary enters)


MARY: I’m sorry I took so long at the grocery store.


OLD WOMAN: The doctor just came.  He gave some pills.


MARY: How do you feel?.


OLD WOMAN: I feel a little dizzy, I think I will lie down for a while.


MARY: Let me help you.



(Mary helps the Old Woman stand up and they leave)




(The Old Woman, the Doctor and the Nurse are in the living roon.  The Doctor gives the old woman two pills)


OLD WOMAN: Yesterday I felt a little dizzy.  Is that normal?.


DOCTOR: Yes it is, but don’t worry, today you will feel much better. We’ll come back tomorrow at this same hour.


OLD WOMAN: What about the eye drops?.


DOCTOR: You won’t need them anymore, just don’t remove your bandage.


OLD WOMAN: Fine, thank you doctor.


DOCTOR: And your grandson?.   Is he at the gym?.


OLD WOMAN: Oh, no, he is on a business trip. Do you need to talk to him?.


DOCTOR: Oh no.  And the maid?.


OLD WOMAN: She must be somewhere.   Probably she is in the garden.  I’m sorry I can’t take you to the door, doctor.


DOCTOR: Don’t worry, I know my way out.  If you need anything, just call me.


OLD WOMAN: I will.   Have a nice day.


DOCTOR: Good-bye.


(On their way out, the Doctor and the Nurse take some more valuable objects from the living room.  As soon as they leave, Mary enters)


MARY: How do you feel?.


OLD WOMAN: Well today I feel much better.


MARY: Oh, good.  Would you like to come to the garden?.


OLD WOMAN: Yes, I’m sure it’s a beautiful day.


(Mary looks around the room)


MARY: Hmmmm.


OLD WOMAN: What is it?.


MARY: I don’t know.  I can’t tell right now, but there is something wrong in here.


OLD WOMAN: Come on, Mary, help me out.


MARY: Sorry.



(Mary helps the Old Woman stand up and they leave)




(The Old Woman, the Doctor, the Nurse and Mary are in the living room)


DOCTOR: Today I will remove the bandage from your eyes, and you will see once again.


OLD WOMAN: I am really impatient, doctor.


DOCTOR: Today is a great day for both of us.


(The Nurse removes the bandage from the Old Woman’s eyes)


DOCTOR: Open your eyes.


(The Old Woman opens her eyes slowly.  She looks around the room)


DOCTOR: So?.  Can you see?.


OLD WOMAN: No, doctor.


DOCTOR: What do you mean no?.  I am sure the treatment was a success.


OLD WOMAN: I can’t see anything!.  I can’t see anything!.


(Mary runs to the Old Woman and hugs her)


MARY: Please calm down, the doctor is here to help you.


(The Doctor examines the Old Woman eyes)


DOCTOR: I am sure you are cured!.  Close your eyes, and open them once again.


(The Old Woman closes her eyes and opens them again)


OLD WOMAN: I will not pay you doctor, I am not cured!.


DOCTOR: Are you sure you don’t see?.


OLD WOMAN: I am positive. I’m blinder than ever!.


(The Old Woman stands up and looks around the room)


OLD WOMAN: I don’t see all the things I had in this room!.  Where are the silver candle holders?. And the ivory boxes?. Oh, and the Egyptian gold mirror I had in the wall?.  Where’s my late husband’s gold pen?.  I don’t even see the Indian silk carpet!.


MARY: Oh, you are right.


DOCTOR: If you don’t pay me, I will sue you!.


OLD WOMAN: I don’t care!.  According to you doctor, I am cured, but I am entirely unable to see anything at all!.  I am sorry, but you will not have your money.  Leave my house, now!.


DOCTOR: I’ll see you in court!.


OLD WOMAN: You can be sure of that.   I’ll tell my lawyer, who is my grandson, to accuse you and your nurse for burglary.  I suggest that you also show up in court with all the things that you both took from my house, if you don’t want to end up in jail.


DOCTOR: You can not prove it.


OLD WOMAN: Oh, yes I can.  I have a hidden video camera behind that old wall clock.


NURSE: I told you to take that clock!.


DOCTOR: Shhhh!.  When will you learn to be quiet!.


NURSE: Fine, I’ll be quiet.


DOCTOR: You win.  There is no need to accuse us, tomorrow morning you will have all your things back.


OLD WOMAN: For your own good, I hope so. Do you need Mary to show you the way out?.


DOCTOR: That’s not necessary.


OLD WOMAN: Good-bye then.


(The Doctor and the Nurse leave.  Mary and the Old Woman hug)




Author:  Aesop Fable


Adapted by: K I D S I N C O


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