Patriotism | K I D S I N - Free Playscripts for Kids!



-Patriotism is the respect and love we have for our country.

-A way of showing Patriotism is through our work.

-We are Patriotic when we recognize what our country has given us.

-To be Patriotic we need to be conscious of our laws and our history.

-Being Patriotic is to know and love our history, our culture and our traditions.

-We are Patriotic when we support our authorities and help them resolve a situation in conflict.

-We are Patriotic when we are kind with our neighbors and keep our neighborhood clean.

-We are Patriotic when we help people who suffer from natural disasters.

-We are Patriotic when in our family we follow our country`s traditions.

-We are Patriotic when with our effort and work we get a fair, peaceful, and respectful society.

-In school and in our house we are being taught to respect our Flag and National Anthem.

-We are patriotic when we are loyal to our country.


Kidsinco Playscripts on Patriotism: 

Fallen Hero

The Legend of Betsy Ross and the First Flag

The Boston Tea Party