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How Jack Went to Seek His Fortune

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NARRATOR: Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack.  One morning he went to seek his fortune. He hadn’t gone very far before he met a cat.


CAT: Where are you going, Jack?.


JACK: I am going to seek my fortune.


CAT: May I go with you?.


JACK: Yes, the more the merrier.


NARRATOR: They went a little further and they met a dog.


DOG: Where are you going, Jack?.


JACK: I am going to seek my fortune.


DOG: May I go with you?.


JACK: Yes, the more the merrier.


NARRATOR: They went a little further and they met a goat.


GOAT: Where are you going, Jack?.


JACK: I am going to seek my fortune.


GOAT: May I go with you?.


JACK: Yes, the more the merrier.


NARRATOR: They went a little further and they met a bull.


BULL: Where are you going, Jack?.


JACK: I am going to seek my fortune.


BULL: May I go with you?.


JACK: Yes, the more the merrier.


NARRATOR: They went a little further and they met a rooster.


ROOSTER: Where are you going, Jack?.


JACK: I am going to seek my fortune.


ROOSTER: May I go with you?.


JACK: Yes, the more the merrier.


NARRATOR: Well, they went on till it was about dark, and they began to think of some place where they could spend the night. Then they saw a house.


JACK: Keep still, let me look through the window.


CAT, DOG, GOAT, BULL, ROOSTER: We want to go with you, Jack.


JACK: No, wait here.


NARRATOR: Then Jack went to see through the window, and he saw some robbers counting over their money.


JACK: Oh, I must go and tell the others what I saw.


NARRATOR: Then Jack went back and told them what he saw.


JACK: I have an idea. We will make all the noise we can.




NARRATOR: So when they were all ready Jack gave the word, and the cat mewed, and the dog barked, and the goat bleated, and the bull bellowed, and the rooster crowed, and altogether they made such a dreadful noise that it frightened the robbers all away.


JACK: Great job!. Now lets go and take possession of the house.


NARRATOR: Jack was afraid the robbers would come back in the night, and so when it came time to go to bed he said.


JACK: Cat, you will get in the rocking-chair, and you Dog get under the table. As to Goat, go upstairs, and you Bull go to the cellar, and finally, you, rooster fly up on to the roof, and I will go to bed.




NARRATOR: When the robbers saw it was all dark, they sent one man back to the house to look after their money. Then he came back very frightened and said.


ROBBER: I went back to the house, went in and tried to sit down in the rocking-chair, and there was an old woman knitting, and she stuck her knitting-needles into me.


NARRATOR: But that was the cat.


ROBBER: Then I went to the table to look after the money, and there was a shoemaker under the table, and he stuck his awl into me.


NARRATOR: But that was the dog.


ROBBER: I started to go upstairs, and there was a man up there threshing, and he knocked me down with his flail.


NARRATOR: But that was the goat.


ROBBER: I started to go down cellar, and there was a man down there chopping wood, and he knocked me up with his ax.


NARRATOR: That was the bull.


ROBBER: But I shouldn’t have minded all that if it hadn’t been for that little fellow on top of the house, who kept a-hollering, “Chuck him up to me-e!. Chuck him up to me-e!”


NARRATOR: But that was the cock-a-doodle-do.




Author:  English Fairy Tale


Adapted by: K I D S I N C O


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