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My First Hundredth Halloween

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MAY  – Esmeralda’s Sister

JUNE – Esmeralda’s Niece






(Esmeralda is in her bedroom sleeping. May enters and tries to wake up Esmeralda)


MAY: Esmeralda, Esmeralda, wake up.




MAY: Where am I?.  What time is it?.


ESMERALDA: You’re home, and it’s almost midnight.


(There’s a knock at the door)


MAY: That must be June.


(May opens the door.  June enters)


JUNE: Hello!.  Where’s aunt Esmeralda?.


MAY: She’s still in bed.


JUNE: At this hour!.


MAY: You better talk to her…it’s getting late.


(May and June go into the bedroom)


JUNE: Aunt Esmeralda, it’s me June.  Come on, get up.


ESMERALDA: I feel sick.  My head hurts a lot.


JUNE: I know.  It’s because of all the potion you drank last night.


ESMERALDA: Last night?.  What happened last night?.


MAY: Don’t you remember?.


ESMERALDA: No.  I can hardly remember my name!.


JUNE: Last night you celebrated your first hundredth birthday, dear aunty.


MAY: (to Esmeralda) Let me help you get out of bed. (She tries to help Esmeralda get out of bed.  Esmeralda almost falls to the floor, then she sits on the bed) Be careful.


ESMERALDA: I feel dizzy.  I need a mirror (June brings her a mirror). Oh, I am terribly ugly.  Ha, ha, ha, ha. I’m feeling better now!.


JUNE: You’re the scariest witch in the haunted forest, aunty.


ESMERALDA: And I’m very proud!  Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.


JUNE: How do you feel now that you are a hundred years old?.


ESMERALDA: I feel wonderful!.  Especially because I look so ugly and children are terrified when they see me.


JUNE: You’re lucky to celebrate your birthday on Halloween Day!.


ESMERALDA: Oh, yes, I am!.


MAY: I feel sorry for grandma now that she is more than a thousand years old.


JUNE: Me too.   As she ages she gets prettier and prettier.  No one is afraid of her!.


MAY: Now kids instead of running away from her, they want to hug her!.


ESMERALDA: Poor grandma!.  I really don’t want to be in her shoes.


JUNE: In her skin, you mean.


MAY: Ha, ha, ha, ha, neither do I. I don’t want to get younger!.  Ugh, that must be terrible!.


(Esmeralda keeps looking at herself in the mirror)


ESMERALDA: Look at me. I am really, really ugly, don’t you think so?.


JUNE: Yes, aunty, and your hair makes you look awful, too!.


ESMERALDA: Oh, I’m so hungry!.


MAY: Let me get you a magic soup I made especially for you.


(May leaves and comes back with the magic soup.  Esmeralda eats the soup)


JUNE: Are you feeling better?.


ESMERALDA: Yes, much better, thank you.


JUNE: Let me see your crown , aunty.


ESMERALDA: What crown?.  I don’t have a crown.


MAY AND JUNE: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.


MAY: You still have it on!.

(Esmeralda reaches for her head and she feels a crown.  She takes it off)


ESMERALDA: No wonder I have a headache!.


JUNE: It’s so beautiful!.


ESMERALDA: Where did that come from?.


MAY: You’re Miss Halloween!.


ESMERALDA: Miss Halloween?.


MAY: Yes!.  At your party, Jack Skeleton, crown you as Miss Halloween!.


ESMERALDA: Was there a contest?.  At my party?.


JUNE: Yes, you won because you’re the ugliest witch of all.


MAY: After the contest, everybody danced, including  the vampires, mummies, warewolves, witches, skeletons, and even the ghosts.   It was really fun.  It’s was the best birthday party in the whole world!.


JUNE: How did you feel dancing with the man without a head?.


ESMERALDA: I think he was really boring.  He didn’t even talk.  And who brought us home?.


MAY: The vampires.  They left us here, then they went flying to their castle to get inside their coffins before daylight.


(There is knock at the door.  May opens the door.  Witch 1 and 2 enter)


WITCH 1: (yelling) Wake up!.  Wake up!.


ESMERALDA: Why are you yelling?.  I am awake!.


WITCH 2: We came for you!.   You don’t celebrate a hundredth birthday everyday.  Let’s keep having fun!.


ESMERALDA: Where are we going?.


WITCH 1: We still don’t know, but maybe we can have some fun scaring people.


JUNE: Yeah!.  We can even go to the cemetery to dance with the ghosts and skeletons!.


ESMERALDA: Fine.  let’s fly high!.


(They put on their witch hats and take their broomsticks and leave)




Author: K I D S I N C O


Related Halloween Scripts:

Tim Came Back

The Warewolf and Little Red Riding Hood on Halloween

The Canterville Ghost

Halloween Songs:

Pumpkins, Witches, Cats

Scary Night

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