February, 2025 | K I D S I N CO.com - Free Playscripts for Kids! - Part 4

The Leprechaun’s Golden Trick

Posted By Kidsinco
Categorized Under: 10 characters, Horror Movie Characters, Myths and Legends from Around the World, Playscripts, siren, The Grindylow, toys, Toys, water demon, water spirit
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A long time ago, in the 5th century, a boy named Patrick lived in Britain. When he was about 16 years old, he was captured by pirates and taken to Ireland as a slave. He worked as a shepherd, spending many years in the fields, feeling lonely and afraid.

One night, Patrick had a dream in which he heard a voice telling him to escape. He followed the advice, traveled far, and managed to return home. But Patrick didn’t forget Ireland. He believed he had a mission to help the Irish people, so he became a priest and later a bishop.

Patrick traveled all over Ireland, teaching people about Christianity. He used a shamrock (a three-leaf clover) to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Many people converted to Christianity because of his teachings.

According to legend, Patrick also drove all the snakes out of Ireland! While this may not be literally true, the story represents how he helped the people by removing bad influences.

Patrick became Ireland’s patron saint, and when he passed away on March 17th, the people of Ireland started celebrating his life every year. Over time, St. Patrick’s Day became a holiday full of joy, parades, wearing green, and remembering the kindness and courage of St. Patrick.

Today, people all around the world celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with music, dancing, and fun traditions like searching for leprechauns and pots of gold!








  • EMMA



  • NOAH









NARRATOR: Every St. Patrick’s Day, people search for gold at the end of the rainbow. But did you know that leprechauns love to play tricks? This is the story of a group of children who tried to catch a leprechaun, only to learn a valuable lesson. But before we begin, let’s hear the story of St. Patrick’s Day!


(Scene: A bright green field with clovers. The children gather around as Mayor O’Malley steps forward.)


MAYOR O’MALLEY: A long time ago, in the 5th century, a boy named Patrick lived in Britain. When he was about 16 years old, he was captured by pirates and taken to Ireland as a slave. He worked as a shepherd, spending many years in the fields, feeling lonely and afraid.


(Children gasp.)


LUCAS: That sounds terrible!


MAYOR O’MALLEY: It was! But one night, Patrick had a dream in which he heard a voice telling him to escape. He followed the advice, traveled far, and managed to return home. But Patrick didn’t forget Ireland. He believed he had a mission to help the Irish people, so he became a priest and later a bishop.


EMMA: What did he do in Ireland?


MAYOR O’MALLEY: He traveled all over, teaching people about Christianity. He used a shamrock, a three-leaf clover, to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


OLIVER: Is that why shamrocks are important on St. Patrick’s Day?


MAYOR O’MALLEY: Exactly! According to legend, Patrick also drove all the snakes out of Ireland. While this may not be literally true, the story represents how he helped people by removing bad influences. When Patrick passed away on March 17th, people started celebrating his life every year. That’s how St. Patrick’s Day began!


SOPHIE: Wow! I never knew that!


NARRATOR: And now, let’s get back to our story!


(Scene: A bright green field with clovers. The children enter, excited.)


LUCAS: Today is the day! If we catch a leprechaun, we get his gold!


EMMA: But leprechauns are tricky. We need a plan!


OLIVER: I brought a net!


SOPHIE: And I made a trap with a shiny gold coin as bait!


NOAH: Let’s spread out and look for clues.


(They search around. Suddenly, a small laugh is heard. LEPRECHAUN appears, wearing a green coat and hat.)


LEPRECHAUN: (laughs) Ah-ha! Ye think ye can catch me, do ye?


GRACE: There he is! Quick!


(The children try to grab him, but he jumps away.)


BENJAMIN: He’s too fast!


AIDEN: We need to be smarter!


LEPRECHAUN: If ye want me gold, ye must solve me riddles!


MAYOR O’MALLEY: (enters) Children, be careful! Leprechauns are tricky creatures.


LUCAS: We can do this, Mayor O’Malley!


LEPRECHAUN: Alright, here’s the first riddle: What has hands but cannot clap?


SOPHIE: A clock!


LEPRECHAUN: Correct! But can ye answer another? The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?


OLIVER: Footsteps!


LEPRECHAUN: Clever children! But for the final challenge—ye must dance like a leprechaun!


(LEPRECHAUN starts an Irish jig. The children dance along, laughing.)


LEPRECHAUN: Ye have done well! But remember, true treasure isn’t gold—it’s friendship and laughter!


MAYOR O’MALLEY: A wise lesson indeed.


NARRATOR: And so, the children learned that some things are more valuable than gold—like fun, friendship, and a little bit of mischief on St. Patrick’s Day!








Fun activities kids can do on St. Patrick’s Day:


1. Leprechaun Treasure Hunt

  • Hide gold chocolate coins, shamrocks, or small prizes around the house or yard.

  • Give kids clues or a map to find the hidden treasures.

2. Shamrock Crafting

  • Cut out shamrocks from green paper and decorate them with glitter or stickers.

  • Make a St. Patrick’s Day card for friends or family.

3. Rainbow Science Experiment

  • Use a glass of water, a mirror, and sunlight to create a rainbow.

  • Teach kids how rainbows form after the rain.

4. Leprechaun Trap Challenge

  • Let kids design and build their own leprechaun traps using household items.

  • See who can come up with the most creative trap!

5. St. Patrick’s Day Dance Party

  • Play Irish music and teach kids how to do an Irish jig.

  • Have a mini dance competition!

6. Lucky Storytime

  • Read books about St. Patrick’s Day or leprechaun adventures.

  • Have kids make up their own lucky stories.

7. Green Food Fun

  • Make green pancakes, green smoothies, or shamrock-shaped cookies.

  • Let kids help decorate and serve!





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