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Bend, Don’t Break

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The Oak and the Reed

Aesop Fable

A great oak tree stood tall and proud by the riverbank. It boasted of its strength and size, its branches reaching high into the sky. Nearby, a slender reed swayed gently in the breeze.

One day, the oak told the reed, “You are so weak and frail. The lightest breeze bends you this way and that. Look at me! I stand firm against the strongest winds. Nothing can move me.”

The reed replied softly, “It is true that I bend with the wind, but I do not break. You may stand firm, but there are forces greater than you.”

Not long after, a fierce storm rolled in. The wind howled and lashed against the trees. The reed, as usual, bent with the force of the wind, swaying gracefully. But the oak, stiff and unyielding, resisted the storm.

The wind grew stronger and stronger until the mighty oak’s roots were torn from the ground, and it crashed on earth.

When the storm passed, the reed straightened up and stood unharmed, whispering, “Better to bend than to break.”







OAK (a proud, large tree)

REED (a slender, flexible plant)

WIND (a playful but powerful force)

SQUIRREL (a curious and chatty observer)

BIRD (a cheerful and insightful companion)

FROG (a humorous, skeptical character)

CLOUDS (personified, grumpy, and ominous)





(The Narrator enters, carrying a small book labeled “Aesop’s Fables.”)

NARRATOR: Hello, everyone! Today, we journey into a tale about strength, flexibility, and the wisdom hidden in nature. Deep in the heart of the countryside, where rivers flow and winds sing through the trees, there stood a mighty oak and a humble reed. One believed in the power of being unshakable, while the other taught us that bending isn’t always breaking. Let’s see what they have to say!

Scene 1: The Riverbank. A large oak tree stands proudly by the river. Nearby, a reed sways gently in the breeze. Enter SQUIRREL, hopping from tree to tree, followed by BIRD flying overhead and FROG hopping along the ground.

SQUIRREL: Wow, look at that Oak! So tall, so grand! If I lived in that tree, I’d have the best view of the whole forest!

BIRD: It’s true, Squirrel. The Oak is impressive, but I’d rather perch on the Reed. It’s closer to the water and sways so peacefully.

FROG: (Snickers) The Reed? Ha! It’s just a skinny stick! It couldn’t hold a fly, let alone you, Bird.

REED: (Laughs softly) I may be small but I have my strengths. You’ll see.

OAK: (Boasts) That’s right, Frog! I’m the strongest, mightiest tree in the forest. The wind doesn’t scare me. Unlike you, little Reed, I stand tall and unyielding.

BIRD: Careful, Oak. Pride comes before a fall.

SQUIRREL: (Scratches head) But Oak’s so strong! How could anything knock it down?

REED: Time will tell, friends. The wind may bend me, but it cannot break me.

Scene 2: The Storm Gathers. The sky darkens. Enter CLOUDS, grumpy and ominous, followed by WIND, who swirls playfully onto the stage.

CLOUD 1: (Grumbles) Another storm is brewing. Why must we always gather for WIND’s chaos?

CLOUD 2: Ssshh! Here comes WIND now. Let’s see who’ll withstand this storm.

WIND: (Laughing) Oh, Clouds, don’t be so gloomy! This will be fun. Let’s see who’s stronger—the mighty Oak or the humble Reed!

CLOUD 1: Fine, but don’t blame us when things get messy.

(WIND begins to blow gently. REED sways gracefully, while OAK stands rigid.)


WIND: (Laughs) Look at you, Reed, dancing with my breeze. And Oak, you stand so still! Aren’t you going to join the fun?

OAK: (Loudly) I do not dance, and I do not bend! I am too strong for your tricks.

REED: (Smiling) Dance with the wind, Oak. It’s the only way to stay standing.

SQUIRREL: (Covers face) This is getting intense. Hold on, Oak!

BIRD: I hope Oak listens to Reed. This storm looks serious.

FROG: (Hopping nervously) Maybe I’ll dive into the river and wait.

Scene 3: The Storm Rages. WIND blows harder, swirling around the stage. CLOUDS rumble and flashlights to mimic lightning. REED sways gracefully, while OAK groans and creaks.

WIND: (Stronger) Come on, Oak! Let’s see what you’re made of!

OAK: (Straining) I… will… not… bend!

REED: (Calling out) Let go, Oak! Yield to the wind!

CLOUD 1: (Shouts) Too late! Look at those roots!

(OAK’s roots begin to pull from the ground. With a loud CRACK, OAK falls.)

SQUIRREL: (Screams) Oak! Oh no!

BIRD: (Sadly) Poor Oak. It was so proud.

FROG: (Shrugs) Told you. Stubbornness doesn’t pay.

(WIND calms down. CLOUDS slowly exit, mumbling.)

WIND: (Sighs) And so, the mighty Oak falls. Reed, you win this time.

REED: Softness and flexibility endure where hardness and pride cannot.

(Narrator steps forward as the stage lights brighten.)


NARRATOR: And so, the mighty Oak learned a powerful lesson—one that came too late. In life, strength is not just about standing tall; it’s about knowing when to bend when to yield, and when to adapt. The humble Reed understood this and remained unharmed by the storm.






Moral: True strength lies in flexibility and wisdom, not just in stubborn resistance.


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