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The Brave Little Shepherdess And The Chimney Sweep

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The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep tells the tale of two figurines who live on a mantelpiece: a delicate porcelain Shepherdess and a wooden Chimney Sweep. The Shepherdess is a beautiful figure, dressed in fine clothes, and the Chimney Sweep is a small, blackened figure with a sweet face.

These two figurines are deeply in love, but their happiness is threatened by the Grandfather, a carved wooden figure with a stern expression. The Grandfather believes the Shepherdess should marry another figure, a grand and imposing China Dog, who also resides on the mantel. The China Dog is an arrogant character, but the Grandfather insists he is a suitable match for the Shepherdess.

Frightened by the prospect of being forced to marry the China Dog, the Shepherdess turns to the Chimney Sweep for help. The Chimney Sweep, who is brave and determined, devises a plan for their escape. They decide to climb up the chimney, which leads them to the roof, where they can be free from the Grandfather’s control.

The climb is difficult, but with the Chimney Sweep’s encouragement, the Shepherdess overcomes her fears. Finally, they reach the rooftop, where they can see the world below them. However, the Shepherdess becomes overwhelmed by the world outside, and she begins to worry that they will never find a safe place to live.

Seeing her distress, the Chimney Sweep suggests they return to the mantel, where they had known happiness before. They come back down the chimney and return to their place on the mantelpiece. Despite their brief adventure, they realize their love for each other makes any place a home.

The story ends with the Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep remaining together on the mantel, content in each other’s company, while the China Dog and the Grandfather continue to look on, powerless to separate them.






SHEPHERDESS (a delicate porcelain doll)

CHIMNEY SWEEP (a small wooden figurine)

GRANDFATHER GOAT (a carved wooden figure with a stern expression)

CHINA DOG (a porcelain dog with a friendly personality)




Scene 1: The Living Room

(The stage is set as a cozy living room with a mantelpiece where the porcelain dolls and wooden figurines are placed.)

NARRATOR: (Enters and faces the audience) Welcome, boys and girls, to a magical place where toys come to life when no one looks! Our story begins with a beautiful Shepherdess, who is in love with a brave Chimney Sweep. But trouble is brewing because they live under the watchful eye of the grumpy Grandfather Goat!

SHEPHERDESS: (Looking at the Chimney Sweep) Oh, Chimney Sweep, if only we could be together forever!

CHIMNEY SWEEP: (Holding her hand) We can, my dear Shepherdess. But we must be brave and escape before Grandfather Goat decides our fate.

SHEPHERDESS: (Nervously) But what if he finds out? He’ll be so angry!

CHIMNEY SWEEP: (Confidently) Don’t worry! We’ll climb the chimney and escape to the rooftop. From there, we can be free together!

Scene 2: The Grandfather Goat’s Plan

(The Grandfather Goat steps forward, looking stern.)


GRANDFATHER GOAT: (Grumbling) I’ve had enough of this nonsense! That Shepherdess will marry the China Dog, and that’s final!

CHINA DOG: (Eagerly wagging his tail) Yes, yes! I’d make a great husband, wouldn’t I?

SHEPHERDESS: (To herself) Oh no! I must escape with the Chimney Sweep before it’s too late!

NARRATOR: (Dramatically) The Grandfather Goat’s decision is final, but little does he know, the Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep are planning their escape!

Scene 3: The Escape

(The Chimney Sweep leads the Shepherdess to the fireplace.)

CHIMNEY SWEEP: (Pointing to the chimney) Come on, Shepherdess! We must be quick!

SHEPHERDESS: (Looking up nervously) But it’s so high… and dark!

CHIMNEY SWEEP: (Encouragingly) Don’t be afraid! Together, we can do anything!

(They start to climb the chimney. The stage lighting dims as they disappear.)

NARRATOR: The brave Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep climbed higher and higher, hoping to reach freedom. But… what will they find at the top?

Scene 4: The Rooftop

(The stage lights reveal the rooftop with a beautiful night sky view.)

SHEPHERDESS: (Breathless) We made it! Look at the stars, Chimney Sweep! It’s so beautiful up here!

CHIMNEY SWEEP: (Smiling) Yes, but… the world is so big and open. Are you sure this is where we belong?

SHEPHERDESS: (Looking around, worried) I… I don’t know. It’s all so vast and lonely up here. Maybe… maybe we were safer back on the mantel.

CHIMNEY SWEEP: (Gently) We don’t have to stay up here, Shepherdess. We can go back, together. It doesn’t matter where we are, as long as we’re with each other.

SHEPHERDESS: (Relieved) You’re right. Let’s go back to our little spot on the mantel. It’s where we belong.

NARRATOR: (As the lights dim) The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep climbed back down the chimney, hand in hand, ready to return to the place they called home.

Scene 5: Back on the Mantel

(The stage lights brighten to reveal the familiar living room, with the Grandfather Goat and China Dog still in their places.)

GRANDFATHER GOAT: (Grumbling) Hmph! Back already?

CHINA DOG: (Curiously) What happened? I thought you ran away for good!

SHEPHERDESS: (Smiling) We realized we don’t need to run away to be happy. We have everything we need right here.

CHIMNEY SWEEP: (Looking at the Shepherdess) As long as we’re together, we can make any place our home.

NARRATOR: (Happily) And so, the Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep returned to their spot on the mantel, content and in love. They knew their happiness came just from being together.

GRANDFATHER GOAT: (Softening) Maybe… maybe I was wrong. You two are perfect just as you are.

CHINA DOG: (Wagging his tail) I suppose this is a happy ending after all!

NARRATOR: And so, it was. The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep lived happily ever after, right where they belonged, on the mantelpiece, with their love shining brighter than ever.


The End




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