January, 2019 | K I D S I N CO.com - Free Playscripts for Kids! - Part 4

Searching for Happiness

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(Oscar and Philippe walk through the forest)

OSCAR:  I hope we didn’t make a mistake by leaving our home.  I’m not sure if we did the right thing!.

PHILIPPE: We did!  We’re searching for our own happiness. 

OSCAR:  I shoudn’t have listened to you when you told me that happiness was more important than money.  Money is everything in this world!.

PHILIPPE:  You’re wrong.  Money doesn’t buy happiness.

OSCAR:  Money brings peace of mind…don’t forget that!.

PHILIPPE:  I’m really tired.  Let’s sit down under that tree over there.

(They sit.  The Old Man enters the stage carrying an old suitcase.  He approaches Oscar and Philippe)

OLD MAN:  Good afternoon, gentlemen.

OSCAR AND PHILIPPE:  Good afternoon.

OLD MAN:  Where are you heading?.

PHILIPPE:  (Stands) We’re going to the next village searching for happiness.

OLD MAN:  That sounds interesting!. I want to help you.

OSCAR:  (Stands) You want to help us?.  What can an old man do for us?

OLD MAN: (Puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out a handful of golden coins) Which one of you wants these?

OSCAR:  I want them!.

OLD MAN:  (Gives the coins to Oscar)  Take them, they’re yours!. (Puts his hand in his other pocket and pulls out a sparkling diamond) Which one of you wants to have this magnificent diamond?

OSCAR:  I want it!. 

OLD MAN:  (Gives the diamond to Oscar) Take it, it’s your!. 

OSCAR:  These are the best gifts I have ever received in my life!.  

OLD MAN: I have to keep going, but I’m very tired and I have to carry this heavy suitcase.  Now, who is going to help me bring this suitcase to the village?. 

OSCAR: (Sits)  I’m sorry, but I can’t help you.  I’m also very tired!.

PHILIPPE:  (Bends and takes the suitcase) Don’t worry…I will help you.

OLD MAN: Thank you so much for being so kind!. And, do you know what?.  Take my suitcase, I give it to you!. 

PHILIPPE:  Oh, no.  It’s yours, I can’t have it!.

OLD MAN: Please, keep it, along with everything that’s inside.  Come on, open it!.  What are you waiting for!. 

OSCAR: Nice gift you got!.  I’m sure the suitcase is filled with old clothes and worn out shoes. 

(Philippe bends to open the suitcase.  The Old Man Leaves the stage.  Oscar and Philippe don’t notice that the old man is gone)   

PHILIPPE: I can’t believe what’s inside this suitcase.  This is a miracle!.

OSCAR: (Stands) Let me see!.

PHILIPPE:  It’s filled with thousands of gold coins and precious gemstones!. (Looks around)  Where is he?.  I want to thank him, and he’s gone!.  Where did he go?.   

OSCAR:  You’re so lucky.  Your kindness has saved you, and made you a very rich man!.

PHILIPPE:  I hope I can see the old man again, to thank him for his generosity!.







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