May, 2016 | K I D S I N - Free Playscripts for Kids! - Part 6

The Hare With Many Friends

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Click here to read this playscript in Spanish: LA LIEBRE CON MUCHOS AMIGOS 

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(All the animals are at the Hare’s house celebrating her birthday.  They are seated around the table.  There’s a big birthday cake with some lit candles)



HORSE, BULL, GOAT, COW, BEAR:  (singing) ¡Happy birthday to you…happy birthday to you…happy birthday dear Hare…happy birthday to you!.


HORSE AND BULL:  Blow the candles out!.


(The Hare blows the candles out)



HORSE, BULL, GOAT, COW, BEAR:  (clapping)  Bravo!.  We want cake…we want cake!. 


HARE:  (gives a piece of cake to all the animals)  Thank you my dear friends for being with me on this special day.


(They start eating the cake)



HORSE: You’re our best friend, that’s why we’re here with you.


BULL:  There’s no one like you in the whole world!.


GOAT:  I like to come and drink coffee with you and chat for hours and hours.


COW:  I like the carrot cake you bake for me and my husband every Sunday.  He says it’s delicious!.


BEAR: You have always helped me when I needed you.  You deserve the Best Friend Trophy of the Year!.


HORSE, BULL, GOAT, COW, BEAR:  (clapping) Yessss!.


HARE:  You know I love you.  You’re not only my best friends, but part of my family, and you’re always in my heart. 


HORSE:  You’re so nice.  Thank you!.


(Offstage:  Sound of rain and thunder.  They stand)



BULL:  We have to go!.


GOAT:  Remember the river floods and we need to get to our homes quickly.


HARE:  Yes, just be careful.  Thanks for coming!.


HORSE, BULL, GOAT, COW, BEAR:  Good-bye!.  


COW:  Have a wonderful day!.


BEAR:  And may all your dreams come true!.


(The Horse, Bull, Goat, Cow, and Bear leave the stage)


HARE:  It’s so hard to find a true friend.  They mean everything to me and I’m so happy to have them in my life.





HARE:  (hopping) I’m so happy to visit my daughter.  She said she was going to prepare my favorite meal (stops suddenly) Ouch!, (sits on the floor and looks at her foot carefully).  It’s a thorn! .  (tries to take it out)  I can’t!.  Oh well, fortunately I have very good friends, so I’ll ask them to help me and take me to my daughter’s house since I can’t walk.  (stands and walks slowly, then she meets the Horse)  Good morning!.


HORSE:  Hello beautiful!.  I’m so happy you came to see me.


HARE: I was going to visit my youngest daughter, but a thorn got in my foot and I can’t walk.  Can you take me to her house, please?.


HORSE:  I’d love to, but I can’t.  I have to plow the field, and if I don’t do it, my family and I will have nothing to eat.


HARE:  Okay.


HORSE:  Don’t get mad at me.  I really can’t help you!.


HARE: Don’t worry. 


HORSE:  I’m sure the bull can take you.


HARE:  I hope so.  Bye!.  (keeps walking and meets the bull) Dear friend!.  I’m so happy to see you.  My foot hurts a lot!. 


BULL:  Hi!.  Why does it hurt?.


HARE:  I was going to visit my youngest daughter, but a thorn got in my foot and I can’t walk.  If I get on your back, you could take me to see her.


BULL: Oh, my friend, this is not a good time.  


LIBRE: Why not?. 


BULL: I’m waiting for the mailman.  I’ve been sitting here all day waiting for an important letter, and I want to be here to receive it.  You do understand, right?.   


HARE:  Yes, don’t worry. (sad) See you later.  (Keeps walking and meets the Goat).  Dear goat, I’m so glad to see you!.


GOAT:  (Hugs the Hare) Me too!.


HARE:  I was going to visit my daughter, but a thorn got in my foot.


GOAT:  Oh, poor you.  Does it hurt?. 


HARE:   Yes!.  I can’t walk.


GOAT:  Then go back to your house and lie down.  


HARE:  I want to see my daughter.  Can you take me?.


GOAT:   Oh, I’m so sorry dear, but I have to take care of my little sister, if I don’t, she could run away to the forest and get lost.


HARE: You’re right.


GOAT:  But if you need anything else, just tell me.


HARE:  Thank you, I will.


GOAT:  Good-bye!.


(The Hare keeps walking and meets the Cow)


COW:  (hugs the Hare) Oh, dear, I heard what happened to you.  


HARE:  I’m so sad.


COW:  I know.  Just keep walking and soon you will be at your daughter’s house.


HARE:  That’s true.


COW:  Besides, walking is a good exercise.


HARE:  I thought you could take me to see her.


COW:  I can’t beautiful.  I have to feed my little calf.  


HARE:  Well, it will be some other time.


COW:   Good-bye!. 


HARE:  (Keeps walking and finds the Bear lying under a tree).  Bear!.  Bear!.  Wake up!.



BEAR:  (opens his eyes) Who dares to wake me up?!.


HARE:  It’s me, your friend… the Hare.


BEAR:  Oh, hello sweety.  What are you doing here?.


HARE: I was going to visit my youngest daughter, but a thorn got in my foot and I can’t walk. 


BEAR:  I’m so sorry.


HARE:  I was thinking that maybe you could take me to see her.  She doesn’t live too far away from here, I’m sure it will take us about ten minutes to get there.


BEAR:  I can’t go right now.  Yesterday I ate too much honey and I haven’t been feeling well.  That’s why I was sleeping under the tree.  


HARE:  (sad)  Okay, don’t worry and take care.


BEAR:  Thank you.  (closes his eyes)



(The Hare keeps walking and reaches her daughter’s house.  Her daughter is outside her house sitting on a rocking chair)



DAUGHTER:  (stands) Mother!.


HARE:  Oh, my dear daughter, if you knew what has happened to me!.


DAUGHTER:   Come and sit, and tell me what happened.


HARE:  (sits in the rocking chair) When I was coming to see you, a thorn got in my foot and I couldn’t walk.  So I thought that maybe my friends could bring me here, but none of them could.


DAUGHTER:  Poor mom.  You had to walk a long way!.


HARE:  That’s right, but I learned a lesson, and I want to share it with you.


DAUGHTER:  What is it?.


HARE:  If some day you want to know what kind of friends you have, ask them for a favor.  Then you will know!.  (stands) Now, let’s go inside so you can remove the thorn from my foot, and later I’ll eat that delicious meal you cooked especially for me.


(They enter the house)




Adapted by K I D S I N C O based on an Aesop Fable


Moral:  He that has many friends, has no friends. One real friend is better than too many false friends.


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