June, 2009 | K I D S I N CO.com - Free Playscripts for Kids! - Part 20

It’s My Looks!

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(Sally and Lauren are talking in the school’ s cafeteria.  Lauren is crying)



SALLY: What’ s wrong?.   Why are you crying?.



LAUREN: It’ s Mike.  He broke up with me.  He told me we should just be friends.



SALLY: Oh, I’ m sorry to hear that.  But, why?.  What did he tell you?.



LAUREN: He said he didn’ t want to be in a relationship right now.  But the other day I saw him with a girl and she was very pretty.  She had blond hair and blue eyes.    Maybe that’ s why he left me.  I am not pretty enough!.



SALLY: Of course not.  You are very beautiful!.



LAUREN: No, I’m not.  I know that, it’ s my looks!.



SALLY: Listen to me Lauren.  He’ s not the right guy for you.  Someday you will find someone who really loves you.  Don’ t blame yourself.



LAUREN: I don’ t know what to do, or what to think.  Maybe I should exercise more, color my hair, use colored contact lenses, change the way I dress, or I just don’ t know!.



SALLY: Stop blaming  yourself and your body.  Don’ t change yourself just fo fit somebody else’ s ideal.



LAUREN:  The other day, he also said something about my clothes.  Sally, you know I can’t wear designer clothes. They are so expensive!.



SALLY: Designer clothes won’t make you a better person, you know that, don’t you?.



LAUREN: Yes, I do.  But I want him to like me!.



SALLY: You don’t have to change just to please him, or to make him like you. He has to accept you and respect you for who you are.



LAUREN: I know that. But right now I feel hopeless.  Maybe I should try harder.  I really need him!.



SALLY: You want his approval, that’s  all.  But there’s little you can do to get his approval.






SALLY: Because the problem is not you, it’s him!.  Come on, Lauren.  You are the smartest girl in class.  You are creative, intelligent, kind, friendly, generous.  You are a wonderful person.  Don’t make him think he has the power to  negatively affect you.



LAUREN: Even if he said… I was bored?.



SALLY: You’re the funniest person I know!   That was just another excuse to break up with you!.



LAUREN: You’ re right.    I won’ t let anything change my own perception of myself. Besides, it’s his opinion.  It doesn’t mean it is true, right?.



SALLY: Right, don’ t loose your self-confidence.  You don’ t deserve to be with someone who only cares about your looks.



LAUREN: Hmm…he won’t be happy even if I change.



SALLY: You’re finally getting it.   It is not your responsibility to make him feel good.  And please, don’t encourage him to believe that, because whatever you do, even if you stand on your head to please him, you will not help him, or you, in any way.  Just relax.  I know that great things are coming for you!.



LAUREN: Thank you, Sally, your words make me feel better.  You are my best friend!.



SALLY: Come on, it’ s time for class.



(They leave)






Author:  K I D S I N C O


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