January, 2009 | K I D S I N CO.com - Free Playscripts for Kids! - Part 7

The Little Red Hen

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NARRATOR: Once upon a time a little red hen found a grain of wheat.



LITTLE RED HEN: Who will plant this wheat grain?.



PIG: I will not.



CAT: I will not.



DOG: I will not.



TURKEY: I will not.



LITTLE RED HEN: Then, I will do it.  Clo – clo!.



NARRATOR: And she planted the little grain of wheat.  Soon it started growing, and growing, and growing.



LITTLE RED HEN: Who will cut the wheat?.



PIG: I will not.



CAT: I will not.



DOG: I will not.



TURKEY: I will not.



LITTLE RED HEN: Then, I will do it.  Clo-clo!.



NARRATOR: And she cut the wheat.  Then she asked.



LITTLE RED HEN: Who will thresh the wheat?.



PIG: I will not.



CAT: I will not.



DOG: I will not.



TURKEY: I will not.



LITTLE RED HEN:  Then, I will do it.  Clo – clo!.



NARRATOR: And she treshed the wheat.



LITTLE RED HEN: Who will take the wheat to the mill?.



PIG: I will not.



CAT: I will not.



DOG: I will not.



TURKEY: I will not.



LITTLE RED HEN: Then, I will do it.



NARRATOR: She took the wheat to the mill and soon she came back with a bag of flour.



LITTLE RED HEN: Who will make this flour into bread?.



PIG: I will not.



CAT: I will not.



DOG: I will not.



TURKEY: I will not.



LITTLE RED HEN: Then, I will do it.  Clo-clo!.



NARRATOR: And she baked a delicious bread.



LITTLE RED HEN: Who will eat this bread?.



PIG: I will!



CAT: I will!



DOG: I will!



TURKEY: I will!



LITTLE RED HEN: I am sorry…  but no.  I will eat it.  Clo-clo!.



NARRATOR: And she ate the bread.






 Author:  English Folktale



Adapted by:  K I D S I N C O


Moral Value:  Help each other. Persistance.  Hard Work. Cooperation

Moral:  It’s not fair to expect a reward if you don’t help out with the work.



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